Ruturaj Patil
1 min readJan 2, 2022


You are the PM of notifications. How would you determine the tradeoffs between showing your friend’s fundraiser or the event they are going to / created?

Notifications: Enables users to engage with right content and people at the right time

Mission: Connect people with content, things and people that is relevant

Decision Criteria

Relevancy = Clicks on notification



User journey

People click the notification > people donate Click> RSVP

What does relevance mean ?

  • Historical donation
  • Interactions with a friend
  • Interactions with the donation topic.
  • Crisis nearby (Location)
  • Date


Donation success rate= Donates/Views



User journey

  • Click> RSVP


  • Location
  • Date
  • RSVP to historical events
  • Category of events that they engaged with.
  • Closeness with friends. Interests matched. “




All up we should have a metric that will intersect across all products(in this case, fundraiser and events)

Ecosystem Metric:

Meaningful interactions (Donate, RSVP, comment, message)

Multivariance Test

A: Fundraiser

B: Events

C: Fundraiser & Events

D: Existing experience

Primary metric:

#Meaningful interactions: Donate, RSVP, Comment, Message

Counter: Reported Events/Fundraiser

Short term

In the short term it would make sense to test with broader samples to understand the behavior of different cohort.

Long term

Cohort based tests based on recency and frequency of interactions with fundraisers vs events

