How would you set goals & success metrics for Facebook Dating?

Ruturaj Patil
3 min readFeb 20, 2021

What is the Facebook Dating?

Facebook dating help more people find meaningful relationships through things they have in common


Make it easier for people across the world to find love & build meaningful connections

Stage & Role of the product in the ecosystem

Facebook app has been there for a while. At an all up fb level, its helps people retain and spend more time. Dating’s role in the ecosystem is to bring users back who might have left fb or who don’t use Facebook as much.


Facebook dating has been ad free. Monetization can’t be the primary goal.

I would like to focus more on engaging and connecting people and enabling them to have intimate and valuable conversations/ connection.

Engagement journey

I would like to understand the engagement journey:

  • People see options- Hit like — matched — Engage in conversations
  • They discover stories — Hit Like — Get Matched — Engaged in conversations

There are other engaging elements in the apps:

  • Secret crush lets you match with people u already know
  • Discover people who go to the similar events or are part of similar group


  1. #matches
  • People get matched but if they don't talk at least once won't mean anything and won't align with the mission. People might also uncover more things after reading their profile. This bring me to my next metric below

2. #matches with at least 4 messages exchanged.

  • This metric is critically important because it helps ensure whether people engaged in a conversation or not after getting matched.
  • As people engage in conversation, we don’t want people to just say “Hi”, “How are you?” “Fine”. Hence, ensuring people exchange at least 4 messages would be a valid metric.

3. Active users: #dau, #mau

  • Tracking active users and how it contributes to all up FB app will be a good metric to track for all up Facebook benefit

4. #profiles liked/#recommended

  • This is first step of the funnel where we can understand if our recommendation engine is working fine.

5. #matches/#profiles liked

  • This is second step of the funnel where people will actually get matched after liking profiles.

6. #matches via secret crush, events, groups or stories(read in the launch news they get connected or recommended to each other because of these features too)


I would like to prioritize the metrics based

  1. Easier to understand/track for teams
  2. Mission alignment: Does it help connect & engage people?

Based on criteria, I think

  • North star: #matches

#matches align closely with our mission of connecting people and engaging in conversation. Rallying teams around this metric is also easier as it is easy to understand and the complexity of tracking it is also low.

Counter: # #matches with at least 4 messages exchanged

As #matches goes up, I want to make sure people engage in a conversation after it and build meaningful conversation. We want users to achieve the purpose of finding the people they connect with. Hence tracking this as a counter metric will be helpful to ensure we are evaluating the situation correctly.

Ecosystem metrics

#meaningful interactions : To ensure there is no cannibalization to other products

#friends added because of dating

#rsvps via dating users

